Accept NFT gift cards at your store

Accept NFT gift cards at your store

Easy to integrate
Use our standard redeem page or integrate our SDK to redeem NFT Gift cards just as you would redeem discount vouchers at your check out.
Highly customizable
Customize our SDK settings or build your custom integration directly into the Atomicrails protocol to fit your look and feel and for maximum flexibility.

3° party processors option
Use the rails of your trusted 3° party payment processor to handle Atomicrails redeems.

Reduce fraud & customer care
The transparency of the blockchain eliminates opportunities for fraud and ensures that the validity and available balance of each code are always visible on the blockchain.
Many integration options from «zero integration» to protocol level integration
Self processing: When accepting NFT Cards at your store you can self process the NFT gift card redeems by either interacting directly with the smart contract, or by using Atomicrails SDK and GUIs for quicker integration.
Managed service: let Atomicrails platform manage the redeems for you with a simple API integration.
3rd party processors: leverage the crypto payment rails of 3rd party processors to allow your customers to pay with the NFT card.
Zero integration: leverage Atomicrails partners that already NFT cards to offer your customers real world incentives and opportunities.

Our redeem page & flow
Use the most widely adopted payment flow in Web3, which is based on token gating services, for a smooth experience that the community is accustomed to. Our NFT card redeem flow is based on token gating flows and wallet connect.
During the checkout process, the customer connects their wallet and the balance of their NFT card is displayed. This balance can be used as payment or subtracted from the cost of the order.
Easy to integrate: A simple SDK that interacts with the atomicrails protocol, no Solidity or blockchain development skills required.
Highly customizable: Configure the wallet connect box, the NFT gift card image box and balance, and other elements to match your look and feel requirements.

Track NFT card redeems
Manage all your gift card campaigns from a dashboard that interacts with the blockchain.

Get started with blockchain gift cards